Messi, Klinsman, Kluivert & Co – the curious case of players adopting famous names in football

Messi, Klinsman, Kluivert & Co – the curious case of players adopting famous names in football

The whole initial Xi revealed © TM/Imageo Beckham produces drama from behind with a long pass. The ball reaches the bullock on the right wing through Stoichkov and Breetner, whose cross is met in the middle, left with a simple finish. How it was one of more curious articles Transfermark History began in March 2020 … Read more

Messi, Ibrahimović & Co – The players with the most league titles in the top-five leagues

Messi, Ibrahimović & Co – The players with the most league titles in the top-five leagues

Cristiano Ronaldo 62nd © TM/Imageo Europe’s top -five league clubs dominate football – of course on the continent – now long. Among the 23 clubs of the Champions League, or the European Cup winning, as called, only eight of them are clubs outside the top-five leagues. Only Ajax has won it more than two times. … Read more

Juninho snubbed Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi when naming the best free-kick taker in modern football

Juninho snubbed Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi when naming the best free-kick taker in modern football

Former set-piece expert Juninho Payonambukono did not name Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi as the best free-kickman in modern sports. The 50 -year -old Juninho played for five clubs during his two -decade long game career, but is known for his time in Ligna 1 Side Leone, where he reduced his business between 2001 and … Read more