England fans sent urgent legal warning about booking Monday off work if they win Euro 2024 final

England’s Euros Final Win: Is Booking Monday Off Work a Good Idea?

As England prepares to face Spain in the European Championship final, fans are eagerly anticipating the possibility of watching their team lift the trophy. While it’s understandable to want to celebrate such a historic moment, should you really be booking Monday off work without thinking it through?

According to David Rice, an HR expert from People Managing People, there’s an urgent warning for England fans considering skipping work the day after the final.

"We’ve all been there – getting caught up in the excitement of a big sports event and thinking, ‘Yeah, I’ll just take the day off after the match.’ But what might seem like a harmless decision to indulge in some post-match festivities could actually have serious consequences," says Rice.

The key issue, he explains, is that simply showing up late or not coming into work at all without any warning could be seen as a sign of lack of commitment to the company. And if your colleagues notice any incriminating social media posts (you know, the ones with 500+ likes and comments screaming ‘ENGLAND WILL WIN!’, it’s unlikely to help your case.

"Bosses will be well aware that some absences might be hangover-related, so if your colleagues have access to your social media and see you cheering on the match, they might raise suspicions about the integrity of your sick leave," warns Rice. "And if you’re caught without a doctor’s note or return to work assessment, you could face disciplinary action for a conduct issue."

So what can you do instead? First and foremost, make sure you have the annual leave booked in advance, sticking to your workplace’s policy on time off requests. If you’re genuinely ill (not just hungover), file for sick leave as soon as possible. And if you’re worried about falling behind on work, consider talking to your boss about flexible working or, at the very least, apologizing for any inconvenience and promising to make up for lost time.

Remember, having fun and celebrating a historic team win is all well and good – just do it responsibly and on your own time!

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