Concacaf has disciplined the referee Marco Antonio Orties Neva, when he was seen to ask Lionel Messi For her shirt after the Inter Miami CF’s ConcacAF Champions Cup win on Sporting Cancas City on Wednesday night at Children’s Mercy Park in Canasus City.
After the final whistle, the referee was approached on duty Messi and seemed to ask for his jersey as a souvenirs of the match. Although it was later clarified that Ortiz Neva had actually requested an autograph for family members with special requirements, the action took place against the code of conduct for ConcacAF officers.
ConcacAF spokesperson told ESPN in a statement, “Concacaf is aware of the conversation that took place between Referee Marco Antonio Orties Nawa and player Lionel Messi, which was the game Cancerus after the final CT of the ConcacAF Champions Cup match last night City and Inter Miami are between CF. ” “After investigation, Concacaf has learned that the referee contacted the player to request an autograph for a family member with special requirements.
“The conduct of the referee does not align with the match officials for such requests and the code of conduct for existing procedures. The referee has accepted its mistake, apologized for the incident, and accepted disciplinary action Is that ConcacAF has applied. “
Sporting Census City said the team informed ConcacAF and MLS about the situation.
The team said, “We informed Concafe and Major League Soccer about the incident after the match against Inter Miami CF on Wednesday. We are waiting for further review of the matter and will take action concacaf,” Said.
Concacaf has not revealed what disciplinary action against the referee will be.
Inter Miami won 1–0 over Sporting Casey in the first phase of the Konkakaf Champions Cup on Wednesday, in the first round with a goal from Messi in the second half.
The game was initially postponed for 24 hours due to a winter storm warning, which was anticipated between five to seven inches of snow in the Canasus City. Although the city did not see snow on Wednesday, the players were forced to participate in the cold temperature of the cold, which inspired Antar Miami’s head coach Xavier Maschherano to labeled the situation as “not human”.
Inter Miami will now host Sporting Casey at Chess Stadium on 25 February in the second phase of the series.